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Dear Applicant:


We are Quetzal Consulting, the affordable housing Administrative Agent, for the Owner/ Developer/Housing Provider, for the property. Your name has been chosen from the lottery drawing for affordable housing units, and we look forward to working with you. The process begins with completing the enclosed application and providing supporting documents. You will be granted 14 calendar days to submit your application and all supporting docs. Please note the following before you begin:

● Priority will be given to Jersey City Residents

● All household members who intend to reside at the location must be listed

● Acknowledgments and Applications must be 100% complete and signed

● Submitting an application does not guarantee housing

● Documents verifying your income, household composition, and assets are required

● Changes to family size, income, and other deciding factors, before completing the application process must be disclosed

● Any and all changes must be reported to the administrative agent immediately Upon review of your initial application and documents, Quetzal Consulting LLC will respond to applicants with their application status .


You will be given 3 additional days to provide any supplemental documents or information. Upon review of your complete application and all supporting documents, you will be provided with a final determination letter. If you are approved as a moderate income qualified household a conditional offer for housing at the project location will be presented. After a conditional offer of housing has been extended to the applicant, the Owner/ Developer/Housing Provider will abide by New Jersey’s Fair Chance in Housing Act, N.J.S.A. 46:8-52 to 64 (FCHA) by providing a copy of the Fair Chance in Housing Disclosure Statement (sample attached). Upon the applicant accepting the conditional housing offer and executing the Fair Chance in Housing Disclosure Statement, the Owner/ Developer /Housing Provider will require a background check. For more info. About background checks and the FCHA, visit this link: Applicants must be truthful and accurate when completing all applications, forms and providing supporting documents. Failure to do so may result in penalties imposed by law and makes the application null and void. By completing the following application your name will be considered for affordable housing. Applications and supporting documents can be uploaded electronically using a drop box link or can be submitted in person by appointment only. If you chose to share your documents virtually, please be sure to label each separate document accordingly. Only PDF copies will be accepted. While this program is subject to municipal and state affordable housing regulations, we can not guarantee that the rental units will be affordable to all applicants. The project provides an equal housing opportunity.


For more information or for technical assistance, please contact Quetzal Consulting at :


Quetzal Consulting, LLC Affordable Housing Administrative Agent

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